When? 18th of January at 16:00-17:00 CET
Where? https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87803515826?pwd=aXhtekVJT0hDSUtadEZyTVBFd2d1QT09
Meeting ID: 878 0351 5826

Speaker: Professor Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange, Predictive Pharmacology research group, Division of Systems Biomedicine & Pharmacology at the LACDR, University of Leiden
Title of the talk: Predicting Drug Pharmacokinetics in the Central Nervous System – The Physiology-Based LeiCNSPK3.0 Mathematical Model and its applications
About Speaker:
Professor Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange started researching neurotransmitters in fish brains at the Department of Neurology at the UMCG (then AZG) and graduated in Biophysical Chemistry at the University of Groningen. Her studies included a lot of mathematics and animal research. She then came to LACDR for her PhD research into a method for measuring brain concentrations as a function of time and location in laboratory animals: the microdialysis technique.
Subsequently, this technique was further used and refined and brought many new insights into, among other things, the blood-brain barrier transport and brain distribution of drugs. This technique can be used to measure in human CNS, but this is highly limited by ethical restrictions, to only exceptional cases. The translation to humans must therefore take place via laboratory animal research and advanced mathematical modelling.
Liesbeth’s motto is that we cannot gain deep insights and make good predictions about complex situations if we use a simple approach. We need longitudinal and interrelated plasma and microdialysis data from different locations in the CNS in individual animals (smart data). This is complex and demanding, but necessary for the development of more general mathematical models that capture in-depth knowledge and insights. In addition, it contributes to the reduction and replacement of laboratory animals.
The Predictive Pharmacology research group (PI Liesbeth de Lange) continues to focus on CNS pharmacology and mathematical model development, but also on systems biology of rat Alzheimer’s disease using metabolomics and molecular biological techniques.