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Speaker 1: Dr. Amalia Dolga, Associate Professor in Regenerative Neuropharmacology at the University of Groningen
Upon appointment as a Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy, she established a molecular neurobiology unit within the molecular pharmacology department. Her laboratory aims at identifying the molecular mechanisms responsible for cell death and at elucidating their involvement in human diseases.
Progressive neurodegenerative diseases, including
Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease afflict millions of people worldwide. To
address this unmet clinical need, it is important to gain more insight into the
molecular mechanisms that drive neurodegenerative disease pathology. As
mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation are responsible for the initiation
and progression of the neuropathology, proteins that prevent deregulation of
both pathways are considered as drug targets. During this talk, I will discuss about
mitochondrial dysfunction in iPSC-derived neurons from Alzheimer’s disease, and
metabolic reprogramming in mouse microglia and human iPSC-derived microglia.
Speaker 2: Dr. Cees Korstanje PhD, KorstanjePharma Consultancy, Scenic-Biotech B.V., LACDR RU Leiden.

Experienced Science Director in Pharma Development. Skilled in strategic programs to prepare for IND and POC, with hands-on experience in Pharmacology (in-vivo/vitro, model development, mode-of-action profiling, safety pharmacology, and PK/PD projects), Translational Science & Biomarkers, Clinical Pharmacology MOA/safety studies) in different therapeutic areas. Strong science and experience basis, with >25 IND’s and >5 Marketing Authorizations, Lead positions in collaborations with academic and CRO partners. Proven management and leadershipqualities. Graduated from Leiden University (Pharm D) and Amsterdam University (PhD), and worked at Utrecht University (Veterinary pharmacology) before entering the Pharma business. 70+ scientific publications. Visiting scientist at Leiden University, LACDR.
Pharmacology in a company setting: contributions to ‘go/no go’ for drug selectivity in a translational science context; to MOA, and Biomarkers. Pharmacologists fulfil essential roles in drug development projects, no matter if the drugs are biologics or chemical entities. In a company setting there is always multidisciplinary teamwork in the non-clinical, and clinical context. Activity of a potential drug is always considered in the context of its safety and ADME properties in humans as the ultimate goal. This presentation will give examples of projects with specific ‘context’ problems and how these problems were overcome to get a clear ‘go’ or ‘no go’ for the project.