NVF webinar 13th of April 2022, 16:00 CET, Prof. dr. Laura Heitman.

We would like to invite you to the next NVF meeting organized by the Dutch Pharmacology Society. During this meeting you will have the chance to participate in the lecture of Prof. drLaura Heitman.

Dr Laura Heitman is Professor of Molecular Pharmacology, Oncode Institute & Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Leiden University

Title: Targeting chemokine receptor CCR2 – From insurmountable antagonists to affinity-based probes.

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Meeting ID: 873 9134 0982

Passcode: 163218

Laura H. Heitman, PhD. is a full professor of Molecular Pharmacology at the Division of Drug Discovery and Safety at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (Leiden University), and at Oncode Institute. Her research interests are mainly focused on understanding and improving drug-receptor interactions, and more specifically, target binding kinetics and allosteric modulation of GPCRs and other membrane proteins, such as SLCs. She has obtained several competitive research grants, both personal and as part of consortia, all allowing her to study these novel, clinically relevant and highly translational concepts for drug action. Her research activities have currently led to an authorship on over 110 papers in this field, including one in Science (2012) and one in Nature (2016) with an H-index of 37. Lastly, she is the recipient of multiple awards (e.g. the ‘2017 MedChemComm Emerging Investigator’-award, runner up for the ‘2018 Prix Galien Research’-award).