Join us for our annual NVF Spring Meeting with the NVKFB – in Amsterdam on April 11th 2025

‼️ Call for abstracts ‼️
Join us for our annual Spring Meeting with the NVKFB – Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Farmacologie en Biofarmacie in Amsterdam on April 11th!
Deadline for abstracts: February 7th
Deadline for registration: April 1st (Registration is mandatory for every participant, with or without an abstract submission)

Please use the following format for the abstract: Abstract-format-NVKFB 2025 
and the instructions: abstract-instructions 2025.

Please use the following link to register for free (if you are a member of NVF) and submit your abstract:

In case you are not yet an NVF member, please write to to become a member. Please check our membership fees: